Able-Bodied People Speaking ABOUT Disabled People

Derek is on point here. I cannot tell you how many times I have been told to try “relaxing” “stretching” or “have you considered yoga?” for my freaking migraine-induced seizures.

Also, as a general rule? If you’ve going to have a panel on a group of people, getting the panel members to be of that group is kind of a basic, 101 consideration. I’ve totally been the only queer person on the “queer topic” panel, and it’s torture.

Dis(abled) Embodiment

By Derek Newman-Stille

Far too frequently, able-bodied people feel that they have a place to talk about disabled people. They use different justifications for this act of narrating our bodies to us, but the bottom line is always the same. There is an assumption that our bodies are open to public debate, that we are resigned to expertiseism about our bodies not only by medical practitioners, but anyone who feels that they have a stake in narrating us.
I see this most commonly when it comes to medical practitioners, whose power to narrate our bodies is so strong that we have to depend on their assessment of our bodies to get access to basic accommodations. Our own narration of our bodies is never considered enough to guarantee that we will acquire everything we need. In university I observed this with the accommodation letters that I was forced to bring to…

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